Do You Need Specialized Products to Clean A Fiberglass RV? The Practice-based Guide

by | Jun 21, 2024 | Clean Tips | 0 comments

Do You Need Specialized Products to Clean A Fiberglass RV

Remember that time you pulled into the campground with your RV looking like it had crossed the country in a dust storm? Yeah, us too. Keeping your RV’s shiny fiberglass exterior looking good isn’t just about pride, it also protects it from the elements and saves you money on repairs down the road. But with shelves overflowing with products claiming they are the best fiberglass RV cleaners, how do you determine which one to pick up?

Let’s explore whether you need specialized products to clean a fiberglass RV and dive into some practical tips on achieving a glinting finish.

Why Cleaning Matters – Keeping Your RV Looking Great With The Best Fiberglass RV Cleaners

Fiberglass is a durable and low-maintenance material, but requires regular cleaning to prevent the buildup of dirt and grime that would discolor, oxidize, and create structural damage. By combining the best fiberglass RV cleaner and techniques, you can have your RV gleaming like new.

Fancy Cleaners or Everyday Stuff?

The short answer is: not necessarily. While some of the best RV cleaners for fiberglass are specialized, many household cleaners can clean fiberglass surfaces effectively without you worrying about them scratching or etching the material.

A great example of this would be our ROG3 Ultimate Bathroom Kit; originally designed for bathrooms and showers, the kit is safe for use on fiberglass surfaces, making it an excellent choice for RV owners who want to gently remove tough stains, soap scum, and mineral deposits without the use of harsh chemicals or abrasives.

5 Cleaning Tips For Fiberglass RVs

To ensure a thorough and effective cleaning process, follow these steps:

1. Prepare Surface – Rinse your RV’s fiberglass surface with clean water to remove loose dirt and debris.

2. Choose The Right Cleaner – For general cleaning, use a mild soap/detergent solution, but for tougher stains & oxidation, use one of the best Fiberglass RV cleaners that’s specialized for fiberglass surfaces.

3. Scrub Gently – Use a soft-bristled brush/non-abrasive sponge for scrubbing, and avoid scrubbing pads as they can scratch or dull your RV’s fiberglass.

4. Rinse Thoroughly – Rinse the surface with clean water to remove any remaining cleaner residue.

5. Dry & Protect – Always dry with a clean, soft cloth and apply a fiberglass polish/sealant to protect the surface and enhance the shine.

How to Address Different Levels of Oxidation and Damage With The Best RV Cleaner for Fiberglass

While mild oxidation and staining can often be addressed with household cleaners like our ROG3 products, or homemade solutions made from vinegar, dish detergent, and baking soda, in more severe cases you may need additional heavy lifters.

  • Moderate Oxidation – If your RV is dull and chalky, this means that it has an oxidized layer. Use polishing compounds and oxidation removers to strip back this layer to reveal the clean surface underneath.
  • Wet Sanding – If your RV is dull and lifeless, use the wet sanding process to remove the blemishes. Grab sand paper with a grit range of 600 to 2,000, soak it for 24 hours before use, then carefully use it to sand away the damaged layer.
  • Fiber Erosion & Re-gel Coating – If fiberglass fibers are separating from the surface indicating erosion, consult a body shop for a thorough re-gel coating.

Preventive Maintenance & Additional Considerations For Safeguarding Your RV

Protecting your fiberglass RV from irreparable damage is crucial, and regular maintenance is key. In addition to monthly washing and annual waxing, consider:

  • Keep the RV out of direct sunlight to prevent UV damage, pollutant buildup, & moisture intrusion.
  • Avoid harsh chemicals containing ammonia, bleach, or other abrasive substances, as they can damage or discolor the RV’s fiberglass.
  • After purchasing any of the best RV cleaners for fiberglass, spot test it on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure there are no adverse reactions.
  • Clean your RV in the shade to prevent cleaners from drying too quickly, leading to streaking or residue.
  • Apply a high-quality fiberglass wax/sealant regularly to protect the surface from UV rays, oxidation, and contaminants.

By incorporating these techniques and following a consistent maintenance routine, you can ensure your fiberglass RV retains its pristine appearance and longevity for years to come.

Ready To Unlock Your RV’s Shine?

Elevate your RV cleaning with ROG3’s Ultimate Bathroom and Shower Kit, a versatile and safe formulation that’s effective for use on fiberglass surfaces, making it an excellent choice for RV owners who want to experience professional-grade results with this eco-friendly, all-in-one kit. Visit to transform your RV today.

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